Note To Christians:


Please do not 'pray' for me, it is rude. I do not believe in your god. How would you like it if I made an offering (lit a candle, chanted, sacrificed, etc.) for you to some god you did not believe in or worship? Please do not pity me. I enjoy my life very much, even though you may think it is empty and worthless. I do not hate life as you might. You do not know me, you do not know how I live my life. You do not know how I feel, you do not know how I think. You just do not know, and I'm sorry if it bothers you so very much that I can have a full and enjoyable life without your god. Please do not preach at me. I have read your bible and I have gone to your churches and I DO NOT BELIEVE IN YOUR GOD. To me, your entire belief system is just another myth. I don't care if you think I'm going to burn in your hell. If you absolutely must think that - so be it, but please do not bring it up with me. You may or may not know where you will go when you die, I know where I will go when I die, I will not change my mind about this. If you do preach at me - please do not think that you are any different from the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of other christians who have preached at me. Do you think YOU would change your mind and worship a different god just because a hundred of its followers all preached the same thing at you? Or would you just find each and every one of those people rude, and then continue to believe as you do? If I grant you the favour of an intellectual debate on religion, please act somewhat logically. I cannot emphasize how laughable the following argument is: "The bible says god is real and that the bible is the word of god. Therefore, god must be real since the bible, which is the word of god, says god is real." Any argument along those lines is absurd. If you do not see why, please tell me so that I may avoid any frustration on my behalf by arguing with a complete idiot. Everybody has the right to believe what they believe. NOBODY has the right to push their beliefs on their fellow beings. To preach at someone who does not wish to be preached at is RAPE. Not rape of the body, but rape of the mind and of the soul. There is no excuse for it. Thank you.

Note to Christians is Copyright ©2002-2003

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